2022 Newsletter Term 04 | Issue 04
- Posted by Farmhouse Montessori School
- Categories Farmhouse News
- Date December 2, 2022
Upcoming events & Important Dates

Wed 7th – Parent & Staff Festive Drinks – Ruby Lane – 5.30-9.30pm
Thurs 8th – Last Day Of Term: Both Campuses
Thurs 8th – Primary End Year Picnic & Graduation Ceremony : 12.30pm
Thurs 8th – Preschool Picnic – 12pm
Thurs 8th – Primary hours: 9.00am-3pm
Thurs 8th – Preschool hours: 8.30am – (12.30pm Picnic) 3.15 close
Fri 9th – Staff Development Day
Mon 30th – Staff Development Day
Tues 31st – Staff Development Day
Wed 1st – First day of term
Click HERE to see further calendar dates.
Principal’s Message
Dear Farmhouse Montessori Families,
Parents and staff Social Wednesday 7th December 5.30 to 9.30pm
It is so fitting to close the year with a social event for parents, staff, and board members. On Wednesday 7th December will have the chance to celebrate together at Ruby Lane from 5.30pm to 9.30. Phil and Kate have generously opened their restaurant. There is no charge. Parents are requested to bring a plate and refreshments.
End of Term celebrations Thursday 8th December
Next week is the last week of the academic school year. My, where has the year gone. On Thursday 8th December we will have the opportunity to celebrate the success of each child with a graduation for Year 6, presentation of student artwork, and a picnic. We have made arrangements so parents with children at both campuses can attend without missing key events. At North Balgowlah the picnic commences at 12.00pm, while at North Head the picnic and display of student artwork commences at 12.45, with the graduation ceremony commencing at 1.45pm.
As part of the celebrations, on Monday 5th December I will be hosting Year 6 graduating students, along with their teachers Tom and Nick for a luncheon at Ruby Lane.
Jenny Retirement
Recently I sent a letter to all parents announcing the retirement of Jenny Bensted following some 40 years of dedicated service to education. Jenny’s final day will be 3rd March. Next year we will have the opportunity to appropriately celebrate Jenny’s contribution to Farmhouse and to education.
Bus driver
Loretta tended her resignation effective from 25th November. We have been fortunate to have gain the bus driving services of Bruno and Bryony to drive the bus. Throughout the last few months Nelson has given much time to driving and attending to the many of the needs surround the operation of the bus, for which we are very grateful.
Grandparents’ day
On Wednesday students of Aikya and Yani hosted their parents and grandparents in the first hour of the day. During this time, they showed their book work as well as general learning activities. The buzz and excitement in the classroom during their visit was wonderful and so very special. As we move forward in 2023, we are committed to continue the practice of opening classrooms to grandparents and parents.
The Preschool students have thoroughly enjoyed several Christmas concerts from Evergreen Music and our neighbours from the Balgowlah North Public School Band.
The Giving Tree has been a hub of excitement with the preschoolers embracing the spirit of giving. Mountains of gifts and food have been contributed by our community, leaving us all with a warm feeling of generosity.
The School Offices will close on Friday 9th December for Christmas and the North Balgowlah reopen on 30th January 2023. Should parents wish to contact the school, please telephone the respective campus and leave a message. The phones will be monitored for any messages and someone will make contact with you.
All students return to school on Wednesday 1st February. Preschool orientation will be held Tuesday 31st January. Further details will be sent to respective families.
This will be the last newsletter for 2022. I wish to thank all staff for their extra-ordinary work and effort supporting the educational growth of each child throughout the year. A special thank you to all parents for your dedication towards the school and for entrusting the education of your child(ren) to our wonderful school. I wish you all a very happy and safe holiday; a Merry Christmas and a happy and bright 2023.
Bruce Rixon | Interim Principal

Giving Tree
The preschool students are bursting with pride at the mountain of gifts they have brought in for children less fortunate. We can’t thank you all enough for helping make Christmas special for families in need.

The preschool students enjoyed a wonderful concert from our neighbours & friends at Balgowlah North Public School. We were thoroughly entertained by lots of Christmas Carols.

ELOUERA | Stage 1 Infant Community
Term four is a busy term for Elouera, full of lots of excitement and change. This term we spend a lot of time getting ready for this change. We have spent the year preparing the children and supporting their independence and emotional development, and now is the time we begin to explore those skills as we visit the other classrooms, children, and teachers. Continuity through change is key for a successful transition, visiting other classrooms with the security of familiar educators, allows the child to develop confidence and comfort across all their environments. The transition to the 3-6 classroom is most effective when it occurs over an extended period of time and continues to position the child as in control, capable and independent. We want them to feel like this is something that is happening with them, not to them. This next stage of their educational journey is exciting, challenging and will provide so many opportunities and possibilities.
— Corinne, Nina & Rachel.

During the term Burbangana has learned about a variety of celebrations from many cultures within our community. In our class, each child’s birthday is celebrated with a special ceremony. The birthday celebration, commonly held in many Montessori schools, affirms the child’s place in space, time and cosmic reality. Everyone wants to be remembered and cherished on the special day that they were born. The Montessori Celebration of Life is a lovely way to celebrate a child’s birthday in a school setting. The birthday child stands beside the label that has their birth month on it. The parent or teacher lights the candle to signify the moment the child was born. They then begin reading the life story up until the age of one. At which point, the birthday child begins the journey walking (slowly) around the sun 1 time, with the globe in their hands – stopping when they reach their birth month again.
— Helen, Teresa & Claire

COOINDA | Stage 1
The cultivation of a lifelong love of learning through the encouragement and promotion of the child’s innate curiosity is one of the most important aspects of our practice in a Montessori environment. It is wonderful to observe towards the end of the year how the children begin to consolidate their knowledge and get to know more aspects of the world that surrounds them. We had a year filled with meaningful moments and experiences. We wish you all a great end of year and a very happy holiday!
— Catalina, Elizabeth, Jo and Angela.

As we head towards our summer holidays children have continued to be helpful, kind and caring towards each other, their environment and the creatures we share it with. Throughout the year we reinforce these traits by giving children opportunities and acknowledging when these traits are displayed. We want the child to know they have a kind heart and helpful hands and to feel a sense of pride with no other reward than a personal sense of satisfaction in their achievements.
Wishing you and your kind-hearted, helpful and caring children a beautiful time together. For those leaving us I wish you adventures, challenges, fun and laughter. Everyone else I’ll see you next year, have a lovely time together! Take care of each other.
– Dawn

In the classroom, we explore the 7 elements of art. These are shape, colour, texture, form, line, space, value.
We use art in project work and include it within all subjects of the curriculum. The children have been working on painting, collage, using oil pastels and looking at different artists.
— Elizabeth & Fiona

AIKYA | Stage 2
For our final newsletter for the term and the year, we would like to thank all the students, parents, grandparents, friends, volunteers, fellow Montessori directors and assistants for such a fulfilling year. As we reflect, we couldn’t be more grateful for what we have achieved collectively as a community, continuously striving to create an environment for the children to discover their learning journeys through the Montessori approach to education.
Initiatives such as the Ride2School group, Chess Club, Afterschool Band, The Primary Campus Open Day, The Poetry Evening, our Parent Montessori Education Nights, various incursions, excursions, tree planting workshops, guided bushwalks, big work exhibitions, mothers, fathers & grandparent days, the athletics carnival plus events I’m sure we have forgotten to mention, have all played a massive part in supporting our little Aikya community.
This year, the Ride2school initiative has succeeded with a peloton of up to 13 and rides weekly. For those that would like to join, the group rides Fridays and meets at the Manly SLSC at 8:15 am with other collection points from different directions towards Manly.
Recently, we welcomed the community grandparents and other special friends into the classroom. As always, it’s a joy to see the children proud to share their learning environment for a morning with those they love. Thank you to all that were able to make the event.
Also, we would like to congratulate the graduating children of Farmhouse Montessori Primary. We at Aikya look forward to celebrating your journey at the graduation ceremony and contributing our work to the School Art Exhibition that evening.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all from Aikya!
— Toby, Harshitha and Sarah

YANI | Stage 3
It has been an interesting and engaging week for Yani students. From dissecting cow eyes to architectural design to going out and purchasing books with the funds raised – it has been a productive few weeks.
The students of Yani have been learning about scale and proportions for maths using ratios and fractions to find equivalence in proportion. The students then used this knowledge in the context of architectural floor plans using scale rulers and yellow trace for space planning. We look forward to seeing the final designs.
In other news our Bake Sale Boys ventured out to several stores to purchase the new books for our library. In preparation for this the students collected favourite book data from the class and used this information to contact several stores to attain stock lists. This was handy when it came to filling our trolley with books. A big thank you to the boys involved as the class are loving the new reads!
Some students have been working hard on the studies of Australian native plants, focusing on one in particular plant called Kangaroo Grass. Students learnt how Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people used this plant to make damper. So of course we had to give it a go! Students were successful in their cooking and created 3 different types of dampers.
The older students of our class continued on their unit of work – the senses of animals and took part in dissecting a cow eye! Students were excited to dissect and see the different parts of the eye close up.
— Thomas, Nick, Amy & Ella Lee

This term we have spent some time learning about space ( l’espace ). We studied the 8 planets closely , their order from the sun and size. We also looked at some French videos of the International space station ISS with the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet.

Evergreen Music
North Head Campus
We’ve had a great term of in class music and are looking forward to wrapping up the year with a little performance at the picnic day next Thursday afternoon
Mixed Ensemble in 2023: For those returning or interested in joining the Tuesday afternoon mixed ensemble, please complete the following google form:
North Balgowlah Campus
We’ve had a ball this term covering percussion beats and the drums, and our extended day/Kindy students even wrote their own song! We’re wrapping up the term with a little mini concert and all in singing session this week and next week.
From all of the team at Evergreen we wish you a safe and happy festive season and look forward to being back for more music in 2023.
— Ben, Deb, James & Angie.

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