STAGE 1 | The first plane of development

Hours of Operation
8.00am – 4.00pm
Days of attendance – we offer a choice of:
5 days: Monday – Friday
3 Days: Monday – Wednesday or Wednesday – Friday
2 Days: Monday – Tuesday or Thursday – Friday
Extended hours care at the Preschool Campus:
Before School: 8-8.30am
After School: 3.15-4pm
More details on Out of School Hours Care here.
Between the ages of two and a half and four and a half is when most of your child’s intelligence and social characteristics will be formed. This is also when your child is most receptive, curious, and excited about exploring the world around him or her. A Montessori classroom nurtures that excitement and curiosity by offering a variety of materials to stimulate and intrigue your child.
The Montessori Directress is trained to recognise when your child is ready to learn a new skill, and to foster his or her natural instincts and abilities. Your child is valued as an independent thinker and encouraged to make choices on his or her own. A Montessori education provides students of each age with information in a way they can understand and enjoy. Learning is fun, empowering, and custom-fit to suit your child’s individual learning style.
There are four main areas in our preschool program:
- Practical Life
- Sensorial
- Language
- Mathematics
We also place considerable emphasis on Creative Arts, Music, Science, Geography and Cultural Studies.
How is Montessori different to other preschools?
You will see the minute you walk into one of our classrooms.
- The materials used to teach reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, science, music and social studies are all unique to the Montessori classroom.
- Classroom materials developed for our youngest students, for example, take abstract ideas and put them in a concrete form that makes sense to their developing minds.
- Your child will also share his or her Montessori classrooms with older and/or younger students. This way, students learn from their peers, and respect their own and each other’s ability to be a teacher as well as a student.
- Directresses observe their students, stepping in when they see a child is ‘stuck’ or ready to learn a new skill.
Extended Day | Kindergarten
Monday-Friday | 8.30am – 2.30pm
Farmhouse offers a NSW government registered (NESA) Kindergarten year. The Kindergarten year in Montessori early childhood education is the third and final year of the 3-6 cycle in which the learning from the earlier years is consolidated. In Montessori, the child at 5-6 years is in the final year in the 0-6 development phase, ‘The Absorbent Mind’, the plane in which young children ‘absorb’ learning from their environment naturally and spontaneously.
This final year of their 3-year cycle provides them with many advantages, from having the opportunity to be classroom leaders and mentors, to stretching their learning with the Montessori materials in the most complex of ways. It also addresses their social-emotional development and prepares them for the next phase of development in primary school.
Transitions to the next 3-year learning environment are a unique feature of the Montessori environment. Farmhouse has a flexible transition policy in which the child’s readiness is closely monitored to determine the timing of their move into the next 3-year classroom. Readiness will be evident towards the end of the cycle when they start to demonstrate the physical, social and cognitive behaviours of the next 3-year phase of development.
The timing of transitions may happen throughout the year and are not restricted to the start of the school year. Transitions are not considered disruptive in Montessori, but rather beneficial as they don’t delay a child moving on when they are clearly ready. They are planned in consultation with children, teachers and parents and there is an emphasis on preparing and familiarising the children with their next environment to ensure a smooth move.
Join a school tour to experience the wonder of a Montessori education.
Browse online to learn more about what we have to offer and how we can help to prepare your child for the best possible future. Our Montessori certified schools provide a unique learning experience for both preschool and primary school aged children.
Join a school tour to experience the wonder of our Montessori curriculum in Sydney.