Our infant community

Hours of Operation
8.00am – 4.00pm
Days of attendance – we offer a choice of:
3 days: Monday – Wednesday
2 days: Thursday – Friday
3 days: Wednesday – Friday
2 days: Monday – Tuesday
Extended hours care at the Preschool Campus:
8am – 8.30am
3.15pm – 4.00pm
A child’s third year is a time of critical brain development. By this stage, children are achieving the major movement milestones and are beginning to use language to communicate. Our infant community program nurtures the child’s intrinsic need to explore and discover their environment and encourages them to experience the world in a way that helps them to build a strong sense of their own capability and independence.
We focus on their growing ability to do more for themselves within the developmental areas of:
- Communication
- Fine and gross motor movement
- Emotional and social development
- Discipline (the beginnings of self-regulation)
Transitions to the next 3-year learning environment are a unique feature of the Montessori environment. Farmhouse has a flexible transition policy in which the child’s readiness is closely monitored to determine the timing of their move into the next 3-year classroom. Readiness will be evident towards the end of the cycle when they start to demonstrate the physical, social and cognitive behaviours of the next 3-year phase of development.
The timing of transitions may happen throughout the year and are not restricted to the start of the school year. Transitions are not considered disruptive in Montessori but rather beneficial, as they don’t delay a child moving on when they are clearly ready. They are planned in consultation with children, teachers and parents, and there is an emphasis on preparing and familiarising the children with their next environment to ensure a smooth move.
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