2023 Newsletter Term 03 | Issue 01
- Posted by Farmhouse Montessori School
- Categories Farmhouse News
- Date August 4, 2023
Upcoming events & Important Dates

Tues 8th – 4.15pm Preschool Campus Tour
Tues 15th School Photos | Preschool Campus
Tues 15th Primary School Campus Tour | 9.30am
Wed 16th School Photos | Primary Campus
Thurs 17th School Photos | Preschool Campus
Thurs 24th Parent Information Evening 7-8pm | Preschool Campus
Tues 29th Father’s Day Breakfast: 8-9.30am | Preschool Campus
Wed 30th Parent Information Evening: TBC | Primary Campus
Thurs 31st Father’s Day Breakfast: 8-9.30am | Preschool Campus
Thurs 31st Maria Montessori’s Birthday
Tues 5th Open Day Primary Campus 9.30am – 11.00am
Click HERE to see further calendar dates.
Principal’s Message
Dear Farmhouse Montessori Families,
Welcome to Term 3. The energy and excitement of the children, and staff, was wonderful and infectious.
Kindergarten transition to North Head
The transition of Kindergarten students from North Balgowlah to North Head for their education has been smooth and the children have settled in well. The Kindergarten rooms are well laid out and very inviting. Much was undertaken behind the scenes preparing for the transition and I am grateful to Samantha, Alia, Harshitha, staff at North head, and our parents for their assistance, and understanding as we negotiated the relocation. A special thank you to our bus driver, Bruno, and Ashley who accompanies the children on the school bus each morning and afternoon. The Kindergarten children continue to engage with Preschool children of North Balgowlah each Thursday and Friday for pastoral care and sport.
Introducing Kindergarten at North Head in 2024
Earlier, I wrote to the school community to share the exciting news that in 2024, as well as having a Kindergarten class at North Balgowlah, the School is introducing a Kindergarten class at North Head. This wonderful news enables further growth at the North Head campus.
We are focused on preserving the Montessori philosophy of a 3 to 6 program. The introduction of Kindergarten at North Head is the first phase of the journey. Phase 2 of the plan would be to introduce a Pre-Kindergarten class at North Head. With two Kindergarten classes in operation, we will require additional teachers. In time, we will advertise for a Kindergarten teacher.
Please share this great news with your family and friends. If you would like enrolment information please contact our Enrolment Officer, Alli on 99491008.
Trivia Night – Saturday 26 August at the Seaforth Bowling Club
The date for the Farmhouse Montessori Trivia and Disco Fundraising Event is drawing near. Parents Booby-Jo and Briony are doing an amazing job in bringing this event together.
Theme for the evening is ‘Glow in the Dark’. These evenings are always full of fun, and we want you to join us. Please save the date and organise a table with your friends. Bring food to share with your table. While it is not BYO drink, the bar will be open for purchasing drinks.
Perhaps you have already arranged your tickets or a table with friends. If you haven’t then now would be the best time.
> Purchase Trivia Night tickets here
> Sign up for a table of of 6 here – add your team name in the table section.
Should you have any questions regarding the Trivia Evening please email them to farmhousetrivia@gmail.com
NAPLAN Results
NAPLAN results for students in Years 3 and 5 have arrived and distributed to respective parents. This year there is a change in the reporting on each child’s NAPLAN 2023 individual student report. It will now be reported against proficiency standards, showcasing student achievement across four levels of proficiency: Exceeding, Strong, Developing, and Needs additional support. There is a specific standard for each assessment area at every year level.
I wish to emphasise that NAPLAN tests are just one aspect of our School’s assessment and reporting process. While they are valuable, they take place only once every two years for each student and cannot replace the continuous assessments made by our teachers to gauge student performance.
It’s essential to remember that NAPLAN tests are a snapshot of the children’s abilities as opposed to our existing comprehensive observation, assessment, and reporting process as a Montessori School. Parents are asked to speak with your teacher on your child’s results
Montessori Congress in Bangkok
Samantha and Harshitha are currently attending the International Montessori Congress in Thailand. The Congress, held every four years, is a global platform that promotes Montessori education and fosters worldwide awareness and understanding of this approach. This year’s theme is ‘Education for a New World’, focusing on the latest insights and practices. Samantha and Harshitha will share their experience and findings from the Congress on their return. In their absence, Alia and Elizabeth are teaching their classes.
Farwell Denise
This week Denise informed me of her intention to resign. Denise has been at the school for four years, helping on the front desk at North Balgowlah and assisted with accounts when Jill was on leave. Her warm, welcoming smile, calm nature, and ‘can do attitude’ will be greatly missed. Denise’s last day will be 22 September.
Bruce Rixon | Principal
Deputy Principal’s Message
Dear Farmhouse Montessori Families
Earlier last Term, we received positive feedback from family members who attended the Mother’s Day celebrations and enjoyed being on campus with their children. Since then, several parents have asked how they might be able to interact more at school.
There are many opportunities for parents and caregivers to contribute and add value to your child’s experience at home or school. We welcome parents and caregivers to visit the classroom to:
- Tell a story or read a book
- Introduce children to an occupation, talent, or skill
- Share a cultural activity (cooking, music, visual arts, etc.)
- Help with a class gardening project
- Show images, maps, or artifacts from a travel experience
- Volunteer to make materials for the class
If you would like to get involved, kindly email the school to arrange a time to visit. The school will confirm appropriate dates and times to visit and any guidelines and required documentation for your visit.
For example, in the preschool, we have an upcoming visit from a parent coinciding with Dental Health Week. With Book Week coming up from August 19-25th, having some parents read at school would be lovely.
We also know that with busy schedules, it is only sometimes practical for parents to visit the school campus to volunteer during regular school hours. A reminder that this Term, we also have a few evening events. We have a Parent Information Evening at each campus (August 24th at the Preschool and August 30th at the Primary School) and Trivia Night (August 26th). We hope to see you at a school event soon.
Alia James | Deputy Principal
ELOUERA | Stage 1 Infant Community
In Elouera the children have all been very helpful preparing fruit and eggs to share with their friends at morning tea time. They are very proud of their hard work and even more excited to taste the food they have prepared. The children peel and cut bananas and eggs. They peel mandarins and cut apples and pears. At morning tea time they all like to talk to each other about what they helped to prepare. The children are extending their concentration and developing their fine motor skills. These are also very productive for the child because they know they can eat it or share it with their friends. The children are building both self-confidence and self-sufficiency and it is amazing to watch their skills and abilities continue to grow.
— Nina, Rachel, Sarah and Yuko.

Over the past few weeks the children in Burbangana have enjoyed working with the puzzles. Puzzles are not only fun, they can support the development of problem solving skills, visual discrimination, fine motor strength and perseverance. The children have enjoyed exploring the puzzle maps to learn about the continents and working together to complete our new animal puzzles.
— Helen, Teresa & Claire

COOINDA | Stage 1
The Cooinda children have shown persistence when learning a new skill and have kept trying when they find a task challenging. This is shown in learning to go across the monkey bars in the playground. Some children have been working very hard to complete this and will have a try every playtime. By repeating the same activity every day, the children gain confidence and develop motor skills.
— Catalina, Elizabeth, Jo and Angela.

Football / soccer fever has taken over North Balgowlah campus. We are closely following the Women’s World Cup, each day noting the scores, looking at which countries are playing each other and especially supporting The Matilda’s. Children have made flags, listened to national anthems, learnt about the players positions and the importance of teamwork. Everyone has been involved in practising gross motor skills, kicking at the goal and leaning to dribble the ball.
Following such an event, children, especially the girls are seeing diverse role models in a spectacular sporting event. There are new young players, the experienced, Indigenous players, a new mother and a hearing impaired player. Together they send a message that diversity is celebrated and anyone can play for The Matilda’s or The Socceroos.
Go The Matilda’s (or The Lionesses, true to my roots! )
– Dawn

We would like to welcome Alex Ryd, our new Kindergarten student, to the Farmhouse community.
The transition to the North Head campus has been a pleasant experience for the kindergarten children. They are settling well into the new environment and are happy with the change. Both Aikya and Yani students have been extremely helpful in helping the kindergarten children settle into the new environment. It was lovely to see the kindergarten children’s interactions with the older children. Thank you, parents, for your cooperation throughout the process.
Our very first excursion first week back of Term 3 to Glen Street Theatre was an enjoyable trip for the children. The children enjoyed the performance and had a good laugh. For the past couple of weeks, the kindergarten children have been focused on language works where they have had lessons on writing, learning to practise using the upper case, comma, and full stop, singular and plurals and noun lessons where they learnt that noun is a word that describes a person, place, animal, and thing.
The kindergarten children also look forward to the trips to North Balgowlah on Thursdays and Fridays, where they get to have playtime with the younger children, interact with their siblings, and work with some children in both Cooinda and Burbangana classes. This interaction helps empower them as they work with the children, where they feel proud to lead them to some activities such as reading, peer support and various lessons. The younger children also enjoyed the company they had with the kindergarten children. The kindergarten children continue to enjoy sports and are now doing sustainability with Dawn.
— Samantha.

AIKYA | Stage 2
We hope this newsletter finds you all in good spirits as we kick off another exciting fortnight at Farmhouse Montessori School. Our picturesque campus, located in the North Head Sanctuary, Manly, has been buzzing with energy as our students returned to school with renewed enthusiasm. It’s been heartwarming to see them reconnecting with their friends, diving into their independent learning, and immersing themselves in the wonders of Montessori education.
Cosmic Exploration: Unraveling the Beginning of the Universe
In the spirit of cosmic learning, this fortnight, our Aikya classroom delved into the fascinating topic of the beginning of the universe. Through the Black Time Line presentation and exploration of time concepts, our students gained a profound understanding of our planet’s history and our place within it. It’s truly awe-inspiring to realize how relatively short a time humans have been part of Earth’s timeline, emphasizing the importance of cherishing and caring for our planet.
Embracing Nature: Bushwalks and Cricket Lessons
With our school nestled in the beautiful North Head Sanctuary, we have taken full advantage of our natural surroundings. Our students enjoyed invigorating bushwalks, connecting with nature, and deepening their appreciation for the environment. Additionally, we kicked off our Cricket lessons on the top oval, providing our young athletes with an opportunity to develop their skills, sportsmanship, and teamwork.
Nurturing Artistic Expression: Term of Art Lessons
We are thrilled to announce the commencement of our Term of Art lessons, guided by Ela, the delightful teachers’ assistant from Yani (Cycle 3). Our students will have the chance to express their creativity and explore various artistic mediums, nurturing their imagination and self-expression.
Welcoming Kindergarten Next Door
Excitement fills the air as we extend a warm welcome to the new addition of Kindergarten next door to our classroom. Witnessing our students interacting and supporting the younger children as they integrate into their new learning space is heartwarming and embodies the spirit of the Montessori community and cooperation.
Montessori Philosophy in Action
As a Cycle 2 Montessori class, Aikya fosters an environment encouraging independence, self-discovery, and respect for one another. Our students have been engaging with the Montessori materials, exploring their interests, and taking charge of their own learning journey. We continue to provide a supportive atmosphere that allows each child to flourish and develop their unique potential.
Thank you for being a part of our wonderful Aikya community. We look forward to another fortnight of exploration, growth, and joy as our students continue to embrace the Montessori philosophy and discover the wonders of learning.
Warm Regards,
—Toby, Amy and the Aikya Children.

YANI | Stage 3
Welcome to Term 3 at our Montessori school, where excitement and enthusiasm fill the air as our students eagerly engage in their lessons! In our Mathematics explorations, the students have been captivated by the world of Roman numerals and have been working diligently to understand and master this ancient numeric system. Additionally, the students have been exploring the concepts of area and perimeter, discovering the beauty of geometry through hands-on activities and interactive learning.
We are also thrilled to announce that our students have embarked on an enriching “Food Safari Unit” as part of their cultural studies. This unique project has students forming groups to travel the world and research various cuisines they would like to cook and share with the class. This “going out” project encourages independence and resourcefulness, as the nominated group members independently research and plan everything they require for their chosen dish. From timetabling buses to purchasing the ingredients from the local grocery store, they will also showcase their culinary skills by preparing the dishes at school. The first stop on our Food Safari is Japan, where Gustave, Callum, Arjo, and Anony will surprise us with their culinary delights. We are eagerly looking forward to what they have prepared for us!
—The Yani Team.

Preschool Music (North Balgowlah)
We’re excited to be back with all our mini maestro’s this term.
Our Tuesday and Thursday sessions will continue to look at the metronome (helps us keep a steady tempo), while moving into exploring the Orchestra.
Looking forward to bringing some real life orchestral instruments for everyone too!
North Head Campus
This term our Monday in-class sessions will be taking a deep dive into one of the world’s most influential bands of all time both musically and socially, The Beatles.

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