2023 Newsletter Term 02 | Issue 01
- Posted by Farmhouse Montessori School
- Categories Farmhouse News
- Date May 12, 2023
Upcoming events & Important Dates

Fri 12th Mother’s Day Breakfast: 9am | Primary Campus
Sun 14th Mother’s Day
Mon-Thurs 15-19th Parent Teacher Conferences: Cooinda & Kindergarten | Preschool Campus
Tues 16th Primary School Campus Tour | 9.30am
Sat 20th Farmhouse Staff at Manly Village Markets
Mon-Fri 22-26th Parent Teacher Conferences: Burbangana & Elouera | Preschool Campus
Wed 24th Combined Montessori Sports Carnival | Primary Campus TBA
Mon 29th Reconciliation Day
Tues 30th Parent Information Evening: 7pm | Preschool Campus
Tues 30th Yani Excursion-Sydney Writers Festival
Click HERE to see further calendar dates.
Principal’s Message
Dear Farmhouse Montessori Families,
Welcome to the first newsletter for Term 2. We are now at the end of the first three weeks and already much has happened during this short period. We welcome Alia James, new Deputy Principal of the School. Alia has certainly hit the ground running and fully immersing herself in the breadth of Farmhouse activities. She has visited and observed each class and met many parents.
Kindergarten 2024 During Week 2 we held an information session for parents of children eligible to commence Kindergarten in 2024. Samantha led the presentation with Alia, Harshitha, and me responding to questions. During the meeting I confirmed Kindergarten would be at North Balgowlah. Parents are encouraged to speak with Samantha, Alia, or me if they have any questions or are seeking clarification.
Marketing the school. The school has commenced the marketing strategic plan of promoting the school within the community with a seven second video at Balgowlah Stockland Mall. Perhaps you have seen the video. I welcome your feedback.
Farmhouse Stall at Manly Village Fair 20 May Emma Kidd, one of our North Head parents has arrange for the school to have a bric-à-brac stall at the Manly Village Stall, Saturday 20 May. This is another opportunity to fundraise for the school. We will have some school materials and parents may wish to bake a cake. Perhaps you have something at home which you no longer use and feel it might be used in another home then please bring it along. Emma lives nearby to the Manly Village. Donations can be dropped off in a box at her place. If you have something you would like to donate to the stall it would be helpful if you contacted my PA, Suzanne Lyle (99776790).The hours of the stall will be 9.00am to 3.00pm. Perhaps you might have a spare half hour or more to assist Emma in manning the stall. Please contact Suzanne if you are able to assist.
Combine Montessori Sports Carnival 24 May 9:15 am to 1.30 pm at Bannockburn Oval, Pymble. The school has participated in this carnival in previous years. This year, Kindergarten will join the carnival experience. Students will have the opportunity to interact with children from other Montessori schools as well as take part in non-competitive sports activities. Families are encouraged to attend the event. Permission slips for the Sports carnival have been sent out to all students. We will need parent volunteers to assist in setting up and manning one or two activities.
Open Day Saturday 24 June North Head from 10.30 to 1.30pm. We will be holding a special Open Day at North Head to promote the Primary sector of Farmhouse Montessori. Apart from having both Aikya and Yani classrooms open, there will be plenty of fun activities including face painting, henna, cake, book, and craft stall.
Information Afternoon for Year 1 in 2024 will be held Monday 22 May 3.00pm to 4.00pm at North Head Campus in Aikya Room . The information afternoon will include a presentation, Q&A session, and a tour of the facilities.
A Parent Social Event Friday 16 June at Ruby Lane from 5.30 to 8.00pm. These community events are always a fun time for parents to catch up and meet other families. Parents are asked to bring a plate and refreshments.
Trivia Night and Fundraiser in September at North Balgowlah Golf Club. From experience this event is such a fun time for all. Parents and Board members have commenced planning for this event. More information is forthcoming.
Mother’s Day breakfasts and afternoon teas for both campuses have been arranged during this week to celebrate and thank all mothers for the special role they play in the life of their children. I had the pleasure of sharing in the Mother’s Day Morning Tea on Thursday at North Balgowlah. Parents spoke of the experience as “magical”. To see children showing their mum around the campus, where they sit and fun, they have outdoors was certainly special and magical. For many mothers it was the first time they have experience the campus during school hours. I am so pleased mums you could join the celebrations. Some mothers reached out to me offering to assist the school in some practical way, including gardening. These would be gratefully received. We are looking forward to having parents in the classroom observing lessons. A special thank you to Alli and Toby for their role in setting up the respective Mother’s Day celebrations.
Wishing all mothers, a very Happy Mother’s Day.
Bruce Rixon | Principal
Deputy Principal’s Message
Dear Farmhouse Montessori Families,
What an incredibly warm welcome it has been to the Farmhouse Montessori community. Having worked with the staff for a short time it is easy to see the passion and dedication that drives decisions daily. Farmhouse feels like family already.
While there are a few faces that are still new, I am so glad that I had the opportunity to meet many families at Jenny’s recent farewell, at morning drop off or pick up, and at several of the Mother’s Day celebrations across both campuses. I appreciate your patience as I learn a multitude of names, including the names of the chickens at the preschool campus (Snowy, Sushi, and Lucky just in case you were wondering).
One great advantage I have in my role as Deputy Principal is to work across both campuses, to see the continuum of Montessori education in action. I have the opportunity to see preschool siblings working in the morning in their beautifully prepared environment and I have the opportunity to see their older siblings doing great work in the primary school campus.
I am looking forward to getting to know you all better and wishing all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.
Alia James | Deputy Principal
Mothers’ Day at the Preschool Campus
The sun was shining on our gorgeous mum’s at the preschool campus this week. We enjoyed a lovely breakfast amongst the Autumn leaves in the garden.

The Preschool Giving Drive
It brings so much pride and joy to the students when they practise the art of giving.
A week ago we decided to help Mum’s in need at Manly Women’s shelter. The preschool mums did an epic job pooling together an enormous bounty of supplies in just a week.
The students were proud as punch packing over 26 bags of pamper products for mums and children who are less fortunate. As we were packing a couple of the Kindergarten students were talking about how they saw people sleeping on the street. We chatted about how this made their hearts feel and what we could do to help.
We decided that everyone deserves a hot bubble bath this Mothers’ Day.
Thanks for all your contributions
—Alli & the Preschool girls.

ELOUERA | Stage 1 Infant Community
In Elouera we have been doing different types of construction work including practicing using the screwdriver, sanding wood with sandpaper and hammering. The children have been enjoying developing their skills and independence with these tasks.
The children have been very persistent with these tasks. The repetition of using the screwdriver helps build focus and concentration skills, and the work naturally requires hand eye coordination and fine motor skills. While sanding we explored texture; feeling both the rough and smooth sides of the sandpaper. We then experimented with the sandpaper to see if we needed to use the smooth or rough side to make the wood smoother. Hammering helps children to develop various skills such as hand eye coordination, strengthening muscles and preparing the hand for writing.
The children have loved getting involved in their practical work and learning from hands on experiences. We look forward to seeing the children continue to grow their knowledge and skills.
— Nina, Rachel and Yuko.

The Montessori method promotes independence by giving a child the ability to make their own choices, providing gentle guidance and allowing them to learn through play at their own pace. Throughout the day, the children in Burbangana will independently complete tasks to meet their needs and those of others. This includes preparation of morning tea with their teacher, then children can decide when they are ready for a snack and help themselves. When finished they clean their plate and their space ready for others to enjoy.
— Helen, Teresa & Claire

COOINDA | Stage 1
In the classroom, we explore the 7 elements of art. These are shape, colour, texture, form, line, space, value. We use art in project work and include it within all subjects of the curriculum. The children have been working on painting, collage, using oil pastels and looking at different artists. We have particularly enjoyed using natural materials such as the fallen leaves from the garden in our artwork. Art is a fantastic way for children to express themselves and tell stories.
— Catalina, Elizabeth, Jo and Angela.

Having Sushi, Snowy, Lucky and Mrs Sticky at our school helps the children to observe, interact and learn about animals. The children are involved in caring for the chickens and our stick insect, ensuring they have food, water and somewhere clean and safe to live. In return the children get cuddles and eggs for cooking and see up close how beautifully Mrs Sticky can camouflage herself amongst the leaves. Building and developing the children’s natural curiosity about living creatures provides us with many learning opportunities eg life cycles and habitats. Who knows where this curiosity will take us this term!
– Dawn

Term 2 has kicked off to a great start, with children settling back into the school routine and enjoying their learning in the classroom.
In the kindergarten classroom, the children are working on developing their numeracy and literacy skills. They are focusing on the golden beads activity, which helps them understand the concept of quantity and the decimal system, as well as arithmetic operations. They are also progressing in phonetic reading and gradually moving to more advanced series. Overall, the children are working hard and making significant progress in their learning.
This term, the kindergarten children continue their music at North Head which they are always excited about. They have also enjoyed expressing their creativity with afternoon art lessons on oil pastels and origami.
I also like to wish all the mothers a Happy Mother’s Day! Seeing so many of you at the Mother’s Day breakfast was excellent. I hope you enjoyed the gifts your child created for you.
— Samantha.

AIKYA | Stage 2
Greetings, Beautiful Farmhouse Montessori Families!
We are thrilled to share some news from our Aikya classroom. Our children have settled in nicely this term and it’s been a joy to witness their love for learning in our small community.
At this age, children learn through their senses, and we provide a variety of materials for them to explore. We believe that children use these materials to deepen their understanding of abstract concepts by manipulating concrete objects. The materials serve as a bridge between the concrete and abstract, and as children work with them, they move slowly towards abstraction.
Some have even started working on projects for the term or writing their own play! Every day they work with the materials with such enthusiasm, and it inspires us to see how much they are growing and developing their skills.
Our Montessori dance classes with Kei from Montessori Dance have officially begun! The children are loving it, and it’s a wonderful opportunity for them to explore movement and express themselves through dance. We believe that movement is an integral part of the learning process, and we are excited to see how this program will benefit our students. If you’re curious about Kei and her approach to Montessori dance, please visit her website at https://www.montessoridance.com.au/about.
We can’t wait to continue on this journey of learning and discovery with our amazing students. Thank you for your continued support!
Coming up: Mother’s Day celebrations and an exciting excursion to the Botanical Gardens! Stay tuned.
—Toby, Sarah, Amy & Fiona.

YANI | Stage 3
Dear parents and community, we hope this newsletter finds you well as we embark on another exciting term at our beloved school. First and foremost, we want to take a moment to bid a fond farewell to Nick, who is leaving us to pursue new adventures in his career. Nick has been an integral part of our school community, and it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye. However, we are also filled with anticipation and excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead for him. We wish Nick the very best in his future endeavors and have no doubt that he will excel wherever he ventures next. I’m sure Nick will pop in for visits from time to time.
On a brighter note, we are thrilled to welcome our newest class member, Flynn, to our school community. Flynn has already made a positive impression on both the students and staff with his warm smile and enthusiastic attitude. We are confident that he will quickly find his place within our vibrant and inclusive learning environment. Let us join together in extending a warm welcome to Flynn and embrace the opportunity to make him feel at home in our school.
In other news, our students have been fully engaged in their learning journey, particularly in the realm of mathematics. Over the past weeks, they have been diligently working with Montessori geometry sticks, delving into the captivating world of angles and the relationships they share with various lines. We look forward to what the remainder of the term will bring.
— Tom, Nick, Ella & Amy.

Preschool Music
So great to be back for another term of music.
This term we will be working on body percussion, and exploring making our own ‘bars’ of music using crotchets and rests.
North Head Campus
This term the in-class sessions on Mondays will all be centered with an Australian theme.
From learning to play Midnight Oil and Gurrumul, to working through different rhythm combinations using Lummi sticks.
The Montessori Mixed Ensemble is back rehearsing on Wednesday afternoons. So lovely to hear the halls of the campus filled with music!!
The group have started working on ‘Minds Eye’ by Wolfmother.
— The Evergreen team.

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