2022 Newsletter Term 02 | Issue 03
- Posted by Farmhouse Montessori School
- Categories Farmhouse News
- Date June 10, 2022
Upcoming events & Important Dates

Mon 13th – Queen’s Birthday – Public Holiday
Wed 15th – Montessori Athletics Carnival – North of the Bridge Montessori Schools
Thurs 23rd – End of Term Parent Class Visit – Primary – Aikya 2.30pm
Fri 24th – Fees Due
Mon 27th – End of Term Parent Class Visit – Primary – Yani 2.30pm
Tues 28th – Cosmic Education – Montessori’s Great Lessons: 6.30–8pm
Wed 29th – Preschool tour – Adult only 4.30pm
Fri 1st – Last day of Term
Mon 18th – Staff Development Day – Whole staff meeting
Tues 19th – All students Return
Click HERE to see further calendar dates.
Principals Message
Dear Farmhouse Montessori Families,
We are nearing the end of a busy term which has been filled with lots of Montessori learning and enquire, research projects, outdoor activities, excursions, parent education sessions and other events.
A recent highlight has been the visit of our senior primary students to Way Finders: The Future Is in Your Hands, Vivid Ideas Exchange Student Session. Our students participated in interactive talks on the urgent need to control humanity’s footprint and embrace sustainable technology. This topic will undoubtedly continue with further activities in classrooms, something we are keen to hear more of.
Newsletter Student Column
I have encouraged and invited primary students to participate in our newsletter. The idea is to hear from our children about learning in and around the classroom, and specific activities and projects they may want to write about. This is of course also an opportunity to respond to students’ needs for an outlet for their creativity, ideas, and developing critical thinking skill as well as learning valuable skills (writing, editing, designing, photography). A digital newsletter will provide the basis to learn these skills, embrace these skills, or refine these skills. Further skills include management, meeting deadlines, need for teamwork and communicating well with others.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
A very big thank you to all our teachers who have provided important insights and feedback to our parents on children’s academic and social emotional development and the amount of time and dedication afforded to this process. If you have any feedback on the current processes or suggestions, please let us know.
Parent Education – Freedom within Limits
Thank for the many primary parents who attended the recent session on Freedom within Limits. In this session we explored how any true Montessori environment encourages children to move about freely and chose their own work within reasonable limits of appropriate behaviour. Those limits are the basic ground rules of the classroom. Freedom is limited by the level o ability and responsibility a child has. We are looking forward to more parent education and further opportunities for families to hear and learn about the Montessori Method of learning.
Reconciliation Week & Activities
Reconciliation week at Farmhouse was an opportunity to focus and to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Children participated in many activities and absolutely cherished these experiences. Below is an image of an art project from Aikya class which was put together by all children to collaborate and to contribute to this important event.
Other upcoming events – please check for dates on our website
End of term Parent Class Visits – Primary Campus / both classes
Montessori Sports Carnival – 15th June
Cosmic Education – Montessori’s Great Lessons:
Please join us for this unique parent session (Eventbrite bookings only)
I wish you a relaxing and sunny long weekend.
Enjoy the rest of the FMS Newsletter.
Sabine Adigun | Principal
ELOUERA | Stage 1 Infant Community
This week Elouera planted all our winter vegetables and fruits in our newly covered vegetable garden! We bought a new cover to keep those pesky bush turkeys and possums away so that hopefully, come spring, we’ll have a full crop. We planted strawberries, purple cauliflower, white cauliflower, broccolini, beetroot, sugar snap peas, snow peas, garlic, brussel sprouts, leek, and spring onion. We also planted lots of daffodil, tulip, and ranunculus bulbs so we’ll have some spring flowers. We talked about what our plants will need to grow – water, sunlight, and good soil and we found lots of worms too!
— Corinne, Sarah & Nina

There has been a writing explosion in the Burbangana classroom. Pre-writing and writing activities have been an activity of choice. The older children in the group are now understanding their role in the classroom environment and are developing into wonderful role models for our younger children. The younger children are witnessing their older peers writing and they want to do the same.
Learning to write in the Montessori classroom begins with practical life activities that prepare little hands, strengthening muscles and coordination before moving onto the language materials. Beginning with sound games , like I spy, that focus on hearing the initial sound of each object and then linking this knowledge to letter formation using the sandpaper letters starts the child’s journey into writing and reading. These sounds are then used with the moveable alphabet to label objects. Once a child has learned how to use the letter sounds to construct words, they progress towards joining words together into sentences of their own, and from there, there is an explosion of writing ability and enthusiasm to tell a story.
After mastering the skills associated with producing written letters and words, reading naturally comes as the next step. The child discovers that they are now able to see printed words on a piece of paper and decode their meaning.
— Amanda, Teresa and Claire

COOINDA | Stage 1
The Farmhouse Montessori School takes the responsibility of embedding the culture and respect of our First Australians into our everyday learning. The children are aware that our school sits on the land of the Gamarargul people and that it is our responsibility to look after this land. Every day we respectfully acknowledge the custodians of the land the school is on and we allow the children to acknowledge this in their own voice. Reconciliation Week allows the children to discuss what they know and to learn more about the First Nations people. This week we used language, songs, Dreaming stories and art to express our acknowledgment of this culture. We finished the week by putting our handprints out the front of the school to publicly show our support for reconciliation.
— Jenny, Angela, Claire & Catalina.

Allowing the children to work with materials that develop their fine motor skills helps them gain strength in their hands and fingers for emergent writing. This is done by offering the children lots of opportunity to practise eg: using scissors, fine paint brushes, lots of crayons and pencils for drawing. There is an abundance of specific Montessori materials which also focus on fine motor activities too eg: the knobless cylinders which the children can take from the shelf and work with whenever they choose. During Reconciliation Week our weaving activity provided an opportunity for the children to focus, concentrate and refine their fine motor skills while they wove with wool and coloured paper and they loved it turning them into ‘fashion handbags’ and ‘door decorations’
– Dawn

This week in kindergarten we learned about reconciliation. This year we are challenged to ‘Be brave and make change’, so we can make change for the benefit of all Australians. During the week the kindergarten class read many books, composed stories using Aboriginal symbols and made these into our own little books. The illustrations in these books inspired the children to create their own artworks using techniques similar to those used by the Aboriginal artists displayed in the books we read.
At the end of the week the children made herb and cheese damper. Kindergarten students wrote out the recipe first, then gathered herbs from the Elouera herb garden and helped to chop them. All of the children were keen to add the ingredients and get their hands into the dough making sure it had a good kneed. The damper was delicious and warm.
— Helen

AIKYA | Stage 2
This fortnight has seen Aikya full of independent work as students immerse themselves in our key learning areas of History, Geography, Science, Math and Language study.
Through studies in geometry, the students are exploring aspects of the seven triangles of reality and quadrilaterals to broaden their vocabulary and understanding of geometric concepts. Comprehension has seen a great deal of focus with group reading and comprehension exercises relating to Roald Dahls Esio Trot, Danny the Champion of the World, plus James and the Giant Peach. Curriculum areas highlighting Ancient Civilisations and the Fundamental Needs of Humans have also seen continued interest, especially during our acknowledgement of Reconciliation Week and National Sorry Day, plus further studies of Australian Indigenous cultures. Furthermore, our studies in nature and plants, in particular, have seen children enjoy some outdoor lessons to provide a real-time experience of presented topics.
Thank you to all our families, as we enjoyed catching up with you all during the parent-teacher conferences held this past fortnight.
– Harshitha, Toby, Thomas

YANI | Stage 3
This week, the students at the Yani classroom had the opportunity to attend the Way Finders: The Future Is In Your Hands, part of Vivid Ideas Exchange.
The children participated in an interactive talk about what the world would look like in 2050 after unrestrained use of fossil fuels, single-use plastics and natural resources, leading to an uncertain future for our planet and society. The children engaged in very interesting discussions about what being a producer and a consumer is, and about becoming ‘prosumers’, sharing resources and using them responsibly.
Three speakers talked about the urgent need to control humanity’s footprint and embrace sustainable technology, in order to save everybody’s future. In addition, there was a lot of dancing, something that we all enjoyed 🙂
In the classroom, the older students in the classroom have been working on creating pamphlets using technology. They have been gathering information on Reconciliation Week and its importance in our society, celebrating Indigenous history and culture in Australia and fostering reconciliation discussion and activities. ‘Be Brave, Make Change’ is this year’s logo. We have discussed the value in our actions as well as our words, and we are looking forward to continuing becoming the change.
— Laura.

We started a French Art project about Arcimboldo and the different parts of the face
We created a patchwork of the face ( les yeux, le nez, la bouche, les oreilles, les cheveux and other details ) with products and food from supermarket magazine
We use this French atelier to do a big revision of the French vocabulary of the body parts and some new vocabulary of the food and daily product
— Delphine.

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